Sometimes we can feel disconnected from where are food comes from. We look at the price of food in our local grocery stores and wonder how can it be so expensive? What is even the quality of some of these products?
More and more people are turning towards their local farms in their region to find great fresh produce at mostly a reasonable price. Plus, they are supporting directly their local farmers who are also dealing with the consequences of inflation.

This year, Aventure Outaouais has decided to partner up with Croquez l'Outaouais in order to showcase the amazing farms in the Outaouais region of Quebec through many different experiences, including our brand new Farm-To-Table Tour. Why? Because we want to create a connection between locals and visitors, with the amazing farmers that work the land here.

What is the Farm-To-Table Tour? Each Thursday evening, we invite guests to join us to visit one of two farms in the Outaouais for a special experience. During this evening, we will enjoy not only a private tour of the farm with the owners, but also a full cooked 3 course meal prepared by the farm using mostly ingredients from that farm or other local farms. From incredible yak at the Ferme Pure Conscience in Bristol, to grass-fed beef at Brylee Farm in Thurso, both farms are unique by their methods, their values, and their ethic.

This is a great way to not just eat the most amazing meal in great company with incredible ingredients, but it's also the chance to reconnect with the land we call home. This tour also includes free transportation from Ottawa & Gatineau in order to make your evening as relaxed as possible.